Comment to Bark for WordPress

WordPress Bark 推送评论通知

  • 支持自定义推送铃声
  • 支持自定义推送图标
  • 支持自动跳转到评论页面
  • 支持检测是否为作者ID


$comment       评论结构
$post_name      被评论的文章
$bark_key       bark token
$bark_icon      bark 推送图标
$bark_group     bark 群组
$bark_goto_url  bark 文章链接
$bark_sound     bark 推送声音
$bark_archive   bark 保存信息   1-启用 0-停用 启用后客户端自动保存推送信息
$isMyself       检测作者ID      1-启用 0-停用 启用后当评论者为 $customName 时不通知 
$customName     作者评论ID      如果此值为空,则停用检测

获取Bark token

  • 适合iPhone的客户端:App Store 商店
  • 适合Android的客户端:PushLite
  • Bark客户端服务端均已开源,也可以自己部署
  • 安装后打开bark App,将红线上方的token填入变量$bark_key = ""里面



 * WordPress Bark 推送评论通知
 * Comment to Bark for WordPress
 * 作者bbis
 * 版本1.0
 * 博客
 * $comment 评论结构
 * $post_name       被评论的文章
 * $bark_key        bark token
 * $bark_icon       bark 推送图标
 * $bark_group      bark 群组
 * $bark_goto_url   bark 文章链接
 * $bark_sound      bark 推送声音
 * $bark_archive    bark 保存信息   1-启用 0-停用 启用后客户端自动保存推送信息
 * $isMyself        检测作者ID      1-启用 0-停用 启用后当评论者为 $customName 时不通知 
 * $customName      作者评论ID      如果此值为空,则停用检测

function bark_push_msg($comment, $post_name)
        $bark = "";
        $bark_key = "********";
        $bark_icon = "";
        $bark_group = "Blog";
        $bark_goto_url = get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID );
        $bark_sound = "gotosleep";
        $bark_archive = "1";
        $isMyself = "1";
        $customName = "admin";

        if($isMyself == '1') {
            if (!empty($customName)) {
                if ($comment->comment_author == $customName) {
                    return $comment;
            } elseif ($comment->comment_author == 1) {
                return  $comment;

        $title = "博客收到了新的评论";
        $message = $comment->comment_author . "在『 $post_name 』评论:\n" . $comment->comment_content;

        $postdata = array(
            'title' => $title,
            'body' => $message

        !empty($bark_icon) ? $postdata["icon"] = $bark_icon : "";
        !empty($bark_group) ? $postdata["group"] = $bark_group : "";
        !empty($bark_archive) ? $postdata["isArchive"] = $bark_archive : "";
        !empty($bark_sound) ? $postdata["sound"] = $bark_sound : "";        
        !empty($bark_goto_url) ? $postdata["url"] = $bark_goto_url : "";

        $opts = array('http' =>
                'method'  => 'POST',
                'header'  => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                'content' => http_build_query($postdata)
            "ssl" => array(
                "verify_peer" => false,
                "verify_peer_name" => false

        $context  = stream_context_create($opts);
        $result = file_get_contents($bark.$bark_key, false, $context);
        return  $comment;

add_action('comment_post', 'comment_bark_notify');
function comment_bark_notify($comment_id) 
    $comment = get_comment($comment_id);
    bark_push_msg($comment, get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID));